Left header Dave Blaschke's
Travel Slideshows
Right header

To view a slideshow, click on its thumbnail (picture) and it will open in a new window/tab. Details of a particular trip are shown to the right of its thumbnail. Slideshows can also be narrowed down by geographical region or selected by individual state.

Note that slides are high resolution (approximately 275KB each), so if you need to be wary of bandwidth usage, total size is indicated in the description next to the number of slides.

Please feel free to email the photographer with any questions or to report missing, mislabeled, or improperly-orientated slides.


  • Digital pictures (cameras E-P) are original material, no editing has taken place except for resizing and cropping
  • Film pictures (cameras A-B) are original material scanned from color negatives, editing has taken place to remove imperfections, correct fading, resize and crop
  • Pictures are displayed in chronological order
  • Pictures are displayed at the rate of 20 per minute (customizable via 'interval' query parameter)

Last update: 25 Jul 2024 - 8159 pictures in 53 albums
(See all updates)